

Health Consulting

Losing weight doesn’t have to be confusing.

The way to lose fat is to stop eating sugar and carbohydrates. That’s easy to say, but can be difficult in practice. When you focus on a few key principles when choosing what to eat you can make impressive improvements to your weight, body composition, and health.

A strong immune system will save your life.

Your immune system works all day, every day keeping you from getting sick. Supporting and strengthening this system is the best way to keep from becoming a pandemic statistic.

Turn on your fat burning genes so you don't have to put on your fat jeans.

Staying healthy is our best defense against the unknown. Changing diet, lifestyle, and behavior are the most important steps we can take. These are simple ideas, but in practice can be difficult to adopt. Primal Northwest will custom develop a straightforward series of strategies, tactics, and tools that will allow you to provide real health care for you and your family. This service is provided 100% online through video chat, telephone, and email.